
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘    要

近几年来, 美国音乐剧特别是百老汇音乐剧在中国市场受到了广大欢迎。但是,通过对比,我们可以发现,两国音乐剧之间依然存在较大异同。而追溯根源,英语论文英语论文题目,主要还是源于两国文化异同。究竟两个各具特色的文化给两个音乐剧带来哪些作用呢?相比于在发源地不断发展的美国音乐剧,我国音乐剧又有哪些缺陷?从文化角度来说,我国音乐剧有哪些发展优势呢?



In recent years, American musicals, especially the musicals from Broadway are gaining popularity in Chinese market. However, by contrast, we can find a good deal of differences between American and Chinese musicals. Tracing the difference to its source, we may find the important role that the different cultures play in the musicals. What’s the impact on American and Chinese musicals from different cultures? Compared with American and English musicals, where the musical was born, what’s the Chinese musical’s shortcoming? From the cultural point of view, what can benefit the development of Chinese musicals?
This thesis employs cultural difference theory as theoretical foundation and case studies and comparative analysis as research methods, and focuses on the impact on the two nations’ musicals from their cultural differences. Based on the not well-found study, this thesis reviews the development history of American and Chinese musicals systematically and gives an analysis of cultural opportunities by which American musicals enter into the Chinese market. Then this thesis explains the impact of cultural difference on two nation’s musicals via case studies and comparative analysis on the typical musical works form two countries, such as the sound of music from America and if love from China. At last, the author makes tentative proposals to the development and localization of Chinese musicals.
The result of this thesis will supply a new method and practical study on Sino-US cultural infiltration and influence and be able to provide more background knowledge for Chinese audience when they are enjoying foreign musical works. What’s more, this thesis will be a supplement to the theoretical basis and guiding data for the local market expansion and internationalization of Chinese musicals.

Key words:Musicals, cultural differences, localization, integration
