
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


当《华尔街日报》第一次使用了一种新报道体后销量大增, 该法成为其惯用写法。后来越来越多的媒体开始模仿这种写法,因此它被称作“华尔街日报体”,英语论文题目,主要适用于社会新闻。其主要特点有:故事化,人文关怀,贴近性和强大的信息释放功能。
本文以新闻写作与报道为理论依据,以案例略论和对比略论为探讨措施,致力于探讨“华尔街日报体”所体现人文关怀。文章首先介绍常见的五种新闻写作手法,然后略论“华尔街日报体”的结构特点和内容特点, 最后对比略论不同媒体报道同一事件的不同之处,得出人文关怀在社会新闻里的重要性。



With the pace of globalization accelerating gradually, the competitions in any fields have become increasingly fierce. To have the desire to stand out, every industry has to break the stereotypes and dares to innovate. Try to create something more accord with human feelings under the same conditions. Same as news reports, they need to “allow readers to see, allow readers to care”. Only when general soft news is written more humanely, can they cater to readers’ growing taste.
In people's daily life, news reports occupy a quite important place. By reading news, people are able to know the world without leaving their house. Deluge of information is broadcasted by all kinds of media. How can a media reports a piece of news in a different way to be welcomed by audience to boost their sales? In short, it is important to make news readable.
When the Wall Street Journal was first used as a unique technique to report news, its readers’ responds were unrespectable hot. After that, increasing number of media began to imitate this reporting method. So t is called” Wall Street Journal Formula" named after Wall Street Journal, which is mainly suitable for social news. The main features of this formula are storytelling, humanist concern, proximity and information output.
This thesis employs news writing and reporting as theoretical foundation and mainly focus on the humanist concern behinds Wall Street Journal Formula. It adopts case study and contrast analysis as research methods. It first gives brief introduction about five common news writing styles; then it explains the structure and content features of Wall Street Journal Formula. After that, it analyzes how different media reporting the same news. At last, it reveals the significance of humanist concern in social news.

Key words: humanist concern, news report, Wall Street Journal Formula, international broadcast
