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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





Address is a kind form that is superior to the normal oral speaking. The speaker is required to get rid of the disorder, unconsolidation, mediocrity of the oral speaking, but to express it in an intensive, succinct and creative way. That’s why address is called an art. The victory speech of the presidential candidates is a sort of political speech aimed at addressing to the domestic and international people. The victory speech means too much. In general, the incoming president promises the public his political program during his future presidency. America plays a crucial rule in the world stage, thus the victory speeches of the incoming president becomes an interesting research focus which have attracted great deal of scholars.
This paper is intended to compare the stylistic feature of the victory speeches of Gorge W Bush and Barack Obama. And the theoretical foundation of the thesis is M.A.K Halliday’s Functional Stylistics, which has a practical meaning as well as theoretical meaning. Based on functional stylistics and employing data analysis, this paper aims to reveal similarities and differences of stylistic features with a focus on the functions language possesses in order to figure out how Bush and Obama choose vocabulary and syntactic structures to achieve their goals. Hopefully, this thesis attempts to offer an interesting and objective analysis.
This paper attempts to compare the stylistic feature of the two famous presidents under the help of the functional stylistics. This paper will provide new achievement for political speeches, but also objectively compares the speech styles of the American presidents. Thus it is of practical value for a better understanding of the victory speeches of the two presidents.

Key words: Gorge W Bush, Barack Obama, victory speech, functional stylistics
