
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


 This thesis mainly make a comparison of the differences in grape wine between China and western countries, through the classification, the use of container of grape wine, table-manners, drinking habits, the storage of grape wine and the characteristic of grape wine; Next, by the demonstration of the market situation of grape wine, to find a good way to develop grape wine which fits Chinese well. Last, expressing that Chinese people need to figure out a way which is healthy and fit Chinese culture background for better developing the grape wine.

Key words:  wine; culture; development; difference

摘 要


 1.1 The concept of grape wine and grape wine culture
 Wine is a kind of alcohol beverage which is made from fresh grapes or grape juice. It is also called grape wine. The grapes used for brewing wine are different from those one we usually have. Two kinds of grapes are used for making wine that is red grape and white grape. They taste bitter but definitely born for making grape wine.
Wine culture refers to the culture about wine’s material culture and spiritual culture. It contains not only the wine’s production, wine’s taste, wine’s brewing, wine’s collection and wine’s historical phenomenon but also wine’s inner culture which is formed by wine’s social function and spirit.
1.2The origin and history of grape wine
Wine was firstly made in the west and widely developed in the west. As to the history of wine, it is said that Iranians were the first to make grape wine. But it doesn't mean they created it.
According to the Greek mythology, Dionysus, the son of Zeus and Princess Semele, is the God of Grape Wine, and Romans call him Bacchus. Hera, Zeus’s wife,英语论文英语论文范文,was so jealous that she wholeheartedly wanted to kill him. To escape from her persecution, Dionysus hid in the mountains and lived with fairy maidens and Lupercus who in charge of the shepherd and sheep’s safety. In there he invented the wine. However, he was founded by Hera soon. Hera harmed him become mad and forced him to go into exile. But he wasn’t defeated. Along the way he loudly and over drank himself dissolutely. Fate couldn’t setback his resolute character. Even facing difficulties, he was still happy. Wherever he went, he taught people how to plant grapes and brewed wine. So he is also called God of Joy. His spirit was also considered as the “wine spirit” which is to defy pain and misery and treat life optimistically.
