Marriage, as one of the most essential life rituals of human beings, is vastly differentiated according to different cultures. As an important part of culture as well as a basic factor of culture, religion, undoubtedly, plays the major part in causing those similarities as well as differences.
In this essay, the author will discuss Uyghur and British and American customs from marriage aspect. First of all, this essay analyzed choosing spouse. In both Uyghur and British and American marriages, a couple cannot get married if they are near relatives, which will cause severe future unhappiness. However, British and American nations have a relatively more freedom style to choose their spouses than the Uyghur nation due to religious customs. Second, this essay introduced customs on betrothal gifts are comparatively varied in the two nations.. Third, this essay explained that for both nations, they have a similar custom to have bridesmaids and best men. But the customs on choosing them vary greatly.. At last, on choosing wedding dates, both nations do not set a wedding date on Friday, but for different reasons.
This essay, through searching relative references, giving examples, aims to find similarities and differences between British and American customs, and then focuses on the reasons that cause them and possible solutions, the aim of this essay is to find the reasons that cause similarities and differences between British and American customs from marriage aspect of view. This essay will be helpful to cultural communication later on.
KEYWORDS:Custom; Uyghur; British and American nation; Marriage
摘 要
在本论文中,作者将以婚姻为例,讨论维吾尔族和英美国家婚礼风俗的差异之处。论文首先略论了在选结婚对象方面上,维吾尔族与英美国家各民族都不允许近亲联姻,因为这会导致家庭不和睦。然而,相关于维吾尔民族及其伊斯兰教对其作用,英美国家各民族有相对宽松的择偶选择。接着,本论文介绍了在两种民族习俗中的嫁妆这一概念也有着很大的异同。在维吾尔族婚俗习惯中,由男方承担所有嫁妆及婚礼费用。然而在英美国家各民族婚俗习惯中,除了男方承担买订婚和结婚戒指之外,其余一切费用由女方,即女方父亲承担。然后本论文又介绍了两个民族婚俗习惯中都有选伴娘和伴郎的习俗,但选择条件就大为不同。在维吾尔族婚俗习惯中,伴娘和伴郎都应该是未婚的年轻女子及男子。然而,在英美国家各民族婚俗习惯中,伴娘和伴郎是否已婚没有作用,即未婚男士及女士都可以承担伴娘及伴郎角色。最后论文还介绍了在选择婚礼日期上,两个民族有个相同点:他们都不在星期五举行婚礼,因为关于维吾尔族人民,星期五是所有穆斯林男士去清真寺祷告的日子。至于英美国家各民族人民来说,他们相信星期五是耶稣受难的日子, 因此在星期五不该举行欢乐的仪式,英语论文网站,否则这将被视为对耶稣的亵渎。
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