
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the development of the world’s economy, nowadays cross-cultural business negotiation are very common all over the world. There are many factors that influence the process and results of international business negotiations. Culture is one of the most important one. As it’s known to all, people with different cultural backgrounds act, speak and think in different ways, which may lead to misunderstandings or even conflicts during the negotiations and finally bring about a failure of the business negotiation. There are two types of communication: verbal communication and non-verbal communication. With the development of cross-cultural negotiation, the awareness of the non-verbal communication has become more and more important, as the non-verbal communication completes the communication. Therefore, to negotiators, a good command of cultural differences and non-verbal language is vital to the success of cross-cultural negotiations. 
This thesis will illustrate the nonverbal languages among different cultures. Cultural causes for the conflicts arising from the differences in non-verbal communications are analyzed and some suggestions are given so as to improve the competence in cross-cultural negotiations. The understandings of non-verbal language could reduce the cultural misunderstandings and conflicts during cross-cultural negotiation and make nonverbal language a tool to help gain success.

Key Words: business negotiation  nonverbal communication  cultural differences  cultural dimensions

摘  要

如今,随着全球经济的发展,跨文化商务谈判无处不在。在谈判过程中存在的许多因素都会作用到跨文化商务谈判的过程和结果。文化异同是其中最重要的原因之一。众所周知,英语论文题目, 不同文化背景的人在行为,说话和思考方式等方面都有所不同,这些异同都有可能会导致在谈判中产生误解甚至是冲突,英语论文范文,最后导致谈判的失败。交际分为语言交际和非语言交际。随着跨文化谈判的发展,人们越来越意识到非语言的重要性,因为非语言是交际组成的一部分。因此,关于商务谈判者来说,充分了解文化异同和掌握应用非语言技巧关于跨文化谈判的成功是极其重要的。

关键词:商务谈判  非语言交际  文化异同  文化维度

