
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract and Key Words

Abstract: With the rapid development of globalization, cross-cultural communication has gradually entered our daily life. Politeness principle exits in each culture, and plays an important role in cross-cultural communication. The problem of how to communicate with people from different cultures politely is becoming more and more important. From the cross-cultural perspective, the thesis aims to analyze the differences, clarify the causes and applications of politeness in daily cross-cultural communication. Based on the study, the paper intends to form a correct view towards politeness principle, in order to achieve the success of cross-cultural communication.

Key words: politeness principle; cross-cultural communication; daily life



1. Introduction
The development of new transportation and information technologies has connected all nations in the world. Internationally, people from different cultures increasingly and inevitably encounter each other during travel, study, and business interaction. The immediacy of our new technology makes it possible that people with different cultures communicate with each other. Once the speaker and the hearer are from different cultures, the cross-cultural communication occurs.
Language communication is an important part of our life, while politeness is the expression of appropriate humility of speech and behavior in human communications. Politeness is not only a social phenomenon, but also a cultural phenomenon. With different stages of social development and different cultural traditions, the concepts of politeness are also different. When people with different cultures communicate with each other, they may run into difficulties, embarrassed, or even provoke anger. However, cross-cultural communication and pragmatics research to this issue has brought new hope. From the cross-cultural and pragmatics perspective, this thesis will focus on the differences, causes, and applications of the politeness principle in daily cross-cultural communication, helping people to better understand the cultural differences of politeness in avoidance of pragmatic failure, and then to improve the ability of cross-cultural communication.
