
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





Colors involve all aspects of life. There are a great variety of color words expressing these colors. Color words have rich cultural connotations. English and Chinese color words have different meanings because of different cultural traditions, custom habits, religious beliefs, values and so on. With the development of society, color words are closely related with history, politics and economy. This paper tries to explain different cultural connotations between English and Chinese color words by comparision and analysis of four main color words: red, black, white and green. In cross-cultural communication, differences of color words should be fully realized and similarities of color words should be effectively applied.

Key Words: color words; cultural connotations; comparison

1. Introduction

In our life there is a variety of colors. Colors are abundant in both Chinese and English cultures, such as black, white, red, yellow, green, blue and so on. The same color words have different symbolic meanings. If we don't know this, we will have communicational problems. It is humiliating to make fun of ourselves in communication. Fundamentally speaking, in Chinese culture, the symbolic meanings of color words are formed by feudal domination, feudal superstition, primitive science, and poor education. So the symbolic meanings of color words have quite strong political and mystical tendencies. However, in English-speaking countries, the symbolic meanings of color words are influenced by the Western nationality openness, science and education degree. The symbolic meanings have less mystery, more sense, which makes the meanings easier to be understood.
