
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要


关键词: 职业发展;障碍;玻璃天花板;对策;职业规划


   To design or change the career development paths determine the success and failure of one's career, therefore to choose the correct career development path is an important factor for ones' successful enterprise. However, the female actually cannot enjoy the same rights as well as the male. They receive discrimination when get employed. The opportunity for promoting is restricted after work, even same labor but different reward compared with the male. The career development receives resistance from each aspect, thus they can not but face various difficult positions during career. 
This article mainly starts with career development of Chinese and American female to compare and discuss their difference. It studies present situations, influencing factors, through the background research of the career development of Chinese and American female. Furthermore it proposes the barrier's countermeasures of female career development and provides the breakthrough point for making a better progress of female career development.

Key words: career development; barrier; glass ceiling effect; countermeasure; career designing

1 Introduction
1.1 Research background

Globally, the proportion of sexes is in balance. The United Nations estimated that in 1995 when the world population reached 5.655 billion, women are 2.812 billions; accounting for 49.63% of the world population, sex ratio was 101.5. In developed regions, the female population is more than men, accounting for 51.39% of the population, sex ratio was 94.5; in developing regions, men are more than women, women accounted for 49.18% of the population, sex ratio was 103.3.

