
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

 As we enter the new millennium, because of economic development, contact with people from various cultures is increasing. International scientific cooperation is at an all-time high. International trade and tourism is an increasingly common phenomenon. When we interact with someone from a different culture, language plays an important role in communication. We are well aware that different cultures use different languages and dialects, and differences in languages make communication more difficult. In any case, to expect the nonverbal behaviors of other cultures to match ours is unrealistic. Norms and interpretations of nonverbal behavior vary tremendously from culture to culture.
  Nonverbal messages serve multiple functions in international interaction. While verbal messages convey content meaning, nonverbal message carry strong identity and relational meaning. Nonverbal messages can help to emphasize (repeat), complement, substitute, regulate, and even contradict the meaning of the verbal messages. While verbal messages are digital in nature, nonverbal messages are analogic in form. The use of verbal messages involves human intention, while the use of nonverbal messages can be intentional or unintentional. So, nonverbal communication is very important for us to make communication in cross-culture intercourse.

Key words: culture; intercultural communication; nonverbal behavior; difference



1 Introduction
There are two systems in human communication: verbal communication and nonverbal communication. Verbal communication consists of word language and the variations in meaning which a person puts into words through the way they are said.We all know verbal communication is arguably the most important of all human behaviors, but we often ignore the other way. In fact, nonverbal communication is the foundation of human relationships. Some anthropologists believe that more than two-thirds of any communication is transmitted at a nonverbal level. A famous professor Edward Twitchell Hall has ever said: “ What people do is frequently more important than what they say.”.
