
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要




English pun, a kind of language art, is widely used in English as a native language due to the diversity of meaning, which has brought about many problems to English learners. This paper starts from the definition so that English learners can understand the definition of American humor and pun, and its historical development. Besides, this paper expounds the classic example of pun usage, such as in the political debate, advertising use of classical humor. In this paper, relevant issues with regard to the source of English language and American humor culture will be analyzed to help English learners understand American humor, and hopefully pun will be better used in American humor. In addition, the functions of English pun humor is a challenge for many Chinese learners. In American culture across the world today, pun is also becoming more and more popular in our daily life and it’s also the main concern of the paper.

Key words: pun; classic examples; American humor; functions of pun;

1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction to English pun culture
Language is a mirror that has "faithfully reflected a nation's history, culture, entertainments, beliefs and discriminations." Pun as an essential part of English shows the smart and flexible side of English culture. Despite the conventional academic avoidance of such a domain, pun enables people to express more complicated emotions with a more vivid approach. However, being a reflection of culture, social mentality and traditional customs, pun often confuses second language learners with its complex meanings derived from a mixture of denotation, connotation, social context and humour communication . More often than not, pun offers much more information than it seems to have, therefore is difficult to comprehend and translate.
