
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘  要



With the deepening of reform and opening up and development and accession to the WTO, the economic and trade cooperation between China and other countries have become more and more frequent, thus negotiations have played an important role in the economic circle. Each side of negotiation expects to achieve the goal which is the most beneficial to them, that requires the negotiation persons should have a good command of language applications. And the humor strategy is one key of the important points to the successful negotiations, for humorous language can create a favorable atmosphere and it does create the efficiency of negotiations. The dissertation aims to study the two causes of humorous language: the use of the ambiguous words and the use of different cultures, to probe into the aspect of how to successfully use humorous language in the process of negotiations. In the basis of the previous studies of business negotiations, the author will continue with the discussion about its humor strategy in the process of business negotiations. The dissertation will adopt documental method, comparative method, and inductive method to express the author’s views and the purpose of the text. Under the globalization, the business negotiations collide and update continuously, so the study of this issue is endless. Therefore, this dissertation will be of significance both in theory and in practice.

Key words: business negotiations; humorous language; ambiguities; cultural differences

1 Introduction
1.1 Background information
Negotiations exist everywhere. Generally, negotiations could be divided into two major parts: formal negotiations and informal negotiations. It’s from small application in daily life, such as: people will start the discussion with their friends about where to go to lunch or what is gong to do in the weekends, even which TV show is attractive. As regards to formal negotiations, it refers to business negotiations, military negotiations, political negotiations, etc. However, no matter what kind of the negotiation is, the goal keeps the same: each side of the negotiation expects to come to a win-win agreement.
