
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要


关键词:模糊限制语; 商务交际;正确运用


Fuzziness is one of the basic properties of human language. To achieve the aim of successful communication, it does not require the accuracy of the speech, but also the vagueness when people use language to communicate. Fuzzy language can be divided into three cases: vague word, hedges and vagueness by implicature. They were put forward by George Lakoff as new concepts in 1972. The definition of hedges is the words that make things fuzzier. This paper mainly explore on how to make the expression more rigorous, appropriate, polite and nice by using hedges. Through the study of literature researched by critics, the application and functions are furthered explored in this paper. Part 1 introduces hedges briefly. Part 2 tells the classification of hedges. Part 3 focuses on functions of hedges. Although it requires rigorous expression, appropriate application of hedges does not affect the accuracy of business. On the other hand, it will have positive effect. Part 4 introduces the application of hedges in business communication. Hedges play more and more important role in business communication. They are more widely used in business contracts, letters and so on. The usage of language will affect business trade directly. It plays an important role in whether the trade succeeds or not. Part 5 makes a summary of this paper. Through the study, people can have a chance to know the true and Standard English. Besides, they will know how to use English in a more accurate, appropriate, euphemistic, effective and polite way, which help them express their thought more accurately.

Key words: hedges; business communication; appropriate application

1 Introduction
In this paper, hedges will be introduced in detail. Hedges are used frequently during communication but few people know the concepts about these words or phrases. Many questions, such as what hedges are, when they are brought in, what the functions of them and how to use them properly are still unknown to many people. This paper will solve these problems. Besides, the usage of hedges in business communication will be mainly analysed to help human achieve better communication effort. Hedging is multifunctional in business communication and can often be used as a kind of politeness strategy, which usually plays some unexpected positive part in business communication. By using hedges, speakers satisfy the opponent’s negative face without interference in other’s freedom of action. Hedging can, undoubtedly, not only improve the communicating climate, thereby helping the communication go on smoothly, but also sound the opponent out about the question, in an effort to know the other’s real intention.
