
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

摘 要

近年来,全球一体化的进程不断加快, “全球化”或“一体化”已经成为当今商务领域出现频率最高的词语。各国间的商务活动日益频繁。谈判是商业领域里非常频繁而重要的一项活动,英语论文英语论文,是双方或多方为了达成互利的协议而就共同和冲突的利益进行讨论、磋商的一个过程。随着科技的发展,发达的通讯和便利的交通给不同国家与地位的商人带来了比以往更多的交流机会,各国各企业之间的商业合作的机会急剧增加。但是文化的异同给国际商贸谈判带来了诸多的不便,各国文化在商务交流中难免产生碰撞和冲突。因此,本文就是在国际商务谈判的背景下,以各国文化异同为中心展开,略论异同对谈判的作用,从而提出有效的解决方案正确处理文化异同,提高谈判效率。


In recent years, the process of globalization has been continuing to accelerate. The word “globalization” or “integration” has become the highest frequency in current business fields. The economic connection between countries is strengthened ceaselessly; and business activities have become increasingly frequent. Economic interdependence has contributed greatly to the cooperation of companies. Negotiation is a process that two or more parties to reach a mutually beneficial agreement on common and conflicting interests by discussions and consultations, which is very frequent and important in commercial areas. However, the cultural differences in international negotiations bring a lot of inconvenience. It is so hard to avoid the collision and conflict in business communication because of the cultural differences. Compared to the negotiation with single cultural environment, international negotiation process is more challenging, because there are lots of things for the negotiator to prepare. Cultural differences will inevitably result in cultural conflicts. The negotiations success or not can be explained mostly by using cultural factors. So it is very important to pay attention to the different cultural background business partners, correctly handle the cultural differences in order to improve the efficiency of the negotiations, which will make the enterprises increase the rate of success in negotiations. Therefore, in the context of international business negotiations, this article is making the cultural differences in countries as the center and analyzing differences on the negotiations, and finally to put forward effective solutions to deal with cultural differences and to improve the negotiation efficiency.

Key words: influences; cultural differences; international business negotiation

1  Introduction
This paper aims to introduce the cultural differences between China and western countries, and analyze the reasons that caused this phenomenon, and finally, it will put forward some effective strategies to handle it. In the background of economic globalization, business activities have become increasingly frequent. Cross-cultural and cross-regional business negotiations have become the main part of international business communication activities. However, cultural differences may cause unnecessary misunderstandings between Chinese and western countries negotiators, which is harmful to the negotiation process and even the outcomes of the negotiation. So in order to make the international business negotiation do smoothly and make the cooperation closely among the countries, people should fully understand the cultural differences and seek effective methods to cancel the barriers. Consequently, in the international business negotiations, it’s of great necessity to strengthen the intercultural awareness. Therefore, if different cultures can be understood in detail or in a certain level, international business activities can be conducted in a better way, and it will make the enterprises increase the rate of success in international negotiations, and make enterprises seize the opportunities much more effective.

