
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19




Vague language, as a useful notional means, is widely used in business communication. Vague language has more than one possible interpretation in different contexts and for different pragmatic purposes. In social science generally and linguistics specifically, the cooperative principle describes how people interact with one another. According to Grice, speakers are expected to obey the Cooperative Principle, including Maxims of Quality, Quantity, Relevance and Manner.
Vague language in English business correspondence is analysized from the Cooperative Principle perspective. Vague language can be classified into vague sound, vague word, vague hedges and vagueness by implicature. Firstly, this thesis analysizes the meaning of vague language, and then illustrates some related examples; Secondly, the thesis studies on examples whether or not obey the cooperative principle and obey which part of cooperative principle, and show the value and the effects of vague language in business communication; Thirdly, the thesis introduces how vague languages used in business correspondence from the cooperative principle perspective. At last, two suggestions of writing letters have been put forward.

Key words: Vague language; Business Correspondence; Cooperative principle; Application; Effects 

1. Introduction
People have many beliefs about language. An important and obvious opinion is that we put great emphasis on “good” language which involves such virtues as, clarity, and precision. Hence, it is believed that vagueness, ambiguity, imprecision, and general woolliness are avoided. But ordinary language leaves room for people to be vague, avoid precision and associated with the communication. The feature of being vague is a neglected concern for the linguist, and yet it is an important part of the protection of every speaker and writer. If people did not have access to it, their range of communication would be restricted severely, and that is to say, the abundant semantic properties of vague language have rendered its various functions which cannot be replaced by other forms of language.
