
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

This paper endeavors to analyze the differences among The Ballad of MuLan, Chinese movie Hua Mulan and Disney animation MuLan by antitheses. On the whole, it focuses on the descriptive emphasis of the three opuses, and the analysis of details, such as  characteristics of figures, stylistic features of words and settings, are added to it, aiming to analyze the different MuLans in the eyes of Chinese and western people. It attempts to reveal the different values in Chinese ancient times, modern society as well as western society: they are traditional loyalty and filial piety, antiwar idea, responsibility and collectivism in modern Chinese society and freedom, equality and individualism in western society. This paper stands out its own distinguishing feature on the basis of previous study, and that is the contrast of collectivism and individualism, aiming to deepen the understanding of different cultures under different settings and promote the prosperity and development of cultural diversity.

Keywords   Chinese and western Hua Mulan   collectivism   individualism  Loyalty, filial piety and responsibility   freedom and equality

关键词  中西“花木兰”   集体主义   个人主义   忠孝责任   自由平等 

1. Introduction
In the ballad of northern dynasty The Ballad of MuLan, there is a heroine MuLan who joins the army in the name of her father. She is known to every household because of her filial piety to her parents and loyalty to the emperor. For thousands of years, works modeling on it is nothing new now. However, the work which made it widely known is Disney animation MuLan. In 2017, the Chinese film Hua Mulan was shown. Although both of them are based on The Ballad of MuLan, they were girt with different regional cultural colors. And this paper endeavors to analyze the differences among The Ballad of MuLan, Chinese movie Hua Mulan and Disney animation MuLan by antitheses.
