
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Abstract: The vocabularies of human language are limited, but the things in the objective world are limitless. So it is difficult for people to use the limited words to express the limitless things. Naturally, people will express the objective things by means of fuzziness. The theory of traditional rhetoric often overemphasizes the importance of clear and precise language. In fact, the phenomenon of fuzziness in the language can be found everywhere. It seems inevitable. Fuzziness is a basic feature of human language, and is also the normal phenomenon in the real world; hence, the languages that reflect the objective world are bound to bear the feature of fuzziness. Although fuzziness has no clear boundary, this phenomenon of language exists objectively in some degree, and there is no good or bad fuzziness. The fuzzy language doesn’t hinder the interpersonal communications. However, in daily speech communication, there are many times that we need to use the fuzzy language in a large number. The fuzzy language does no harm to the information interflow between people, but rather plays a positive role in communication, which just makes the natural language rich in more kinds of different expressions. In communications, fuzzy language can not only improve the accuracy, flexibility and simplicity of language but also make the expression implicit, euphemistic and polite. This article illustrates its importance through a great deal of applied examples. However, the fuzzy language is a double-edged sword, while demonstrating its peculiar function; when it is improperly used, its drawbacks are obvious.
Key words: fuzzy language; the expression of the language; positive and negative functions of the fuzzy language

