The Heroism in American and Chinese Films from a Cross[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

An Analysis on the Heroism in American and Chinese Films from a Cross-cultural Perspective—Take 2017 and Yip Man for Example

Hero worship almost exists in every culture. All countries in the world have created their heroes on screen. Although there're some similarities in their understanding of heroes, the culture difference still exits. Heroism represents special social cultural pursuits and to a certain extent heroism influences the development of the society. However, the definition of heroism is not the same in different cultures, and creating their own hero to keep the essence of culture is one of the main targets of every culture.

With the development of society and the advancement of civilization, the limitation of communication is gradually being broken. In this background, this thesis employs cross-cultural communication theory as theoretical foundation and mainly focuses on the culture differences. This paper analyses heroism in American and Chinese films from a cross-culture perspective. It adopts content analysis and case study as research methods and takes 2017 and Yip Man for example. At first, it gives a brief introduction of the background of some previous theory of cross-cultural communication. Secondly, the paper analyses the two films and finds out the main differences and reasons for this phenomenon.

The result of this thesis will be a supplement to cross-cultural communication and it will be able to provide some reference for the understanding of Chinese and American culture.

Key words: cross-cultural communication, Chinese American film, heroism

