The Shawshank Redemption has been a classic for a lot of audiences since it was released in 1994. The protagonist Andy was a successful banker before he was imprisoned for the murder of his wife and her lover in 1948. During the long 27 years in Shawshank, he has never been institutionalized by the prison and he persisted in the pursuit of freedom. Suffered a lot in Shawshank, he spent nineteen years digging him a tunnel to the outside world with a small hammer. One night in 1975, Andy escaped from Shawshank in a heavy rain and began his new life. The story of Andy has inspired a lot of people to keep the faith and never lose hope under whatever conditions. Andy has also become a representative of independence and self-confidence.
This paper refers to both the film and Stephen King's original work Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, and analyzes the image of Andy. Firstly, this thesis introduces Andy’s life experience in Shawshank, summarizes and explains Andy's characters. Then it analyzes Andy’s pursuit of freedom. At last, considering the theme of The Shawshank Redemption, it provides further analysis of Andy’s redemption to himself and to the Shawshank prison.
This thesis makes a comprehensive and detailed analysis of Andy referring to his experience and the theme of the work, which can enrich the research of The Shawshank Redemption. It will also be a good reference for people to appreciate Andy.
Key words: The Shawshank Redemption, persistence, freedom, redemption
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