disciplinary analysis of literature reviews in English dissertations[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

As an indispensable part of theses and dissertation writings, a literature review introduces previous researches related to the current study and points out the research significance of the current study. Meanwhile, followed by the review writer’s own comment upon the reviewed studies, a literature review also reflects the perspective and ways of thinking adopted by the writer. The examination of the texts of literature reviews can also facilitate the investigation into the linguistic features of LRs. Therefore, text analysis of LR is an effective method to get a deep insight into the linguistic features of different genres. The dissertation is an effort to investigate into the disciplinary discrepancy between literature reviews of medical science and literature reviews of linguistics.
The study adopts a corpus-based method that is based on two different corpora. One corpus contains 30 literature reviews extracted from doctorial and master dissertations of medical science. The other is linguistic corpus that contains 30 literature reviews of linguistic doctorial and master dissertations.
By examining the texts of the samples with software, the study analyzes medical literature reviews and linguistic literature reviews from three perspectives: reporting verbs, modal verbs and transitions. By comparing literature reviews of the two disciplines, the study finds out the linguistic features of medical literature reviews and linguistic literature reviews, and summarizes the disciplinary differences between the two.
Keywords: literature review, cross-disciplinary analysis, linguistic feature
摘        要
本文采用语料库技术,以30篇语言学学术论文文献综述及30篇医学学术论文文献综述作为语料,英语论文,从转述动词 、情态动词及关联词三个角度,对样本进行定量定性相结合的文本略论,英语论文范文,通过对比略论,得出两类不同学科在综述前人探讨时存在的异同,并归纳总结出各自的特点以及所反映出来的不同学科探讨在探讨方式和逻辑思维上存在的异同,以期对未来相关领域的探讨提供借鉴参考意义。

