Analysis of the Characteristics and Problems of Cultural Exchanges between China and Korea[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Since the Korea-China diplomatic relations were established, across all sectors, including economic, social and cultural relations between the two countries were carried out rapidly. Korea-China exchanges are represented by the “Chinese wave” and “Korean fad”. By the end of 2017, the world HSK (HanyuShuipingKaoshi) candidates were 16milion, 9milion of them were Koreans. About 36,000 Chinese students were studying in Korea also. Economically, exchanges between Korea and China are very active. Korea is China’s sixth largest trading country and China is Korea’s largest trading country.

But over the past few years, in the sectors of society and culture frictions have occurred between these two nations frequently. At first, problems exist in history and territory. Because both governments take careful approaches, there are no larger conflicts, but it may be the ruins of the relations between the two countries. In 2017, there had been had striking Anti-China and Anti-Korea emotions in the social and culture domains. This was caused by distorted reports spread over the internet. Radically, conflicts expanded, but it can be seen as a phenomenon caused by the lack of communication.

Exchange and cooperation between countries lack communication and understanding, and it is natural to deal with some frictions and shocks at the same time. Thus, we have to understand the conflicts between Korea and China, and both countries should be trying to extend beyond the exchange and development of these obstacles. For this, both countries need to strengthen exchanges in academic and media, adjustment of economic and trade cooperation.

Key words: Establish diplomatic ties, Cultural exchange, Mutual trade, Korean fad, Chinese wave
