The Allegorical Meaning of As I Lay Dying[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Faulkner is skillful in embodying the cultural connotations of the Bible in his works. And one of the themes of Bible “people will endure” is also the focus of William Faulkner. As I Lay Dying tells us a sad story of a family how to keep their word to a died woman and how they finish their journey after fighting with all the disasters. In this paper I would like to highlight the word “endure”, which means “to bear” and “to last”. And From this point of view I would not only classify each narrator’s experiences and sufferings but also analyze what they enduring and the biblical meaning behind those sufferings and the reason why they will endure. 

Although the story happened in the fiction world, we still can see the idea that the author hold to the world and the author’s exposure to humanity. Every plot has its deep meaning inside and every protagonist’s experience is not only designed by the author and but also decreed by fate. And the allegoric meaning of this novel is that people will meet with difficulties but we still move forward to our destination.

In this paper there would be five sections. The first part is about introduction, the brief introduction of this work and the author; the second part is literature review; the third part is about what people are bearing, which is one explanation of “endure”; the forth part is about what of people are lasting, which is the second meaning of “endure”; the fifth part is the conclusion: people endure; move forward in pain.

Key words: As I Lay Dying, Bible, endurance, fiction world, allergic meaning

