Review of American Films’ Doomsday Perspectives[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

In the United States there are many movies having a topic about doomsday and these movies show people one kind of doomsday phenomenon through the processing of a variety of disasters. This paper describes the form of American movies doomsday and thinks that the reasons causing the end of the world in the films are weak. These films own the reasons causing the doomsday of the earth to a number of factors of the earth itself, while ignoring the human race, the most important factor. With the rapid economic development, the human destruction to the earth can be said is getting worse. The environmental pollution, the over-exploitation, temperatures increase and so on are threatening the planet, so it now appears that the most likely cause the world to end is the most puny humans in the films.
Key words:  American films   doomsday   the human beings
Acknowledgements    I
摘要    II
Abstract    III
1  Introduction    1
2  Literature Review of Doomsday of American Films    3
2.1 Several Types of the Doomsday of the American Films    3
2.1.1The Alien Invasion    3
2.1.2 The Asteroid Impact    3
2.1.3The Sun Disaster    4
2.1.4The Robot Mutiny    4
2.1.5The Disasters From the Earth    4
2.2 Two Views Treat to the Doomsday    4
3  The Bad Effects of the Human Beings Activities    6
3.1 Soil Destruction    6
3.2 Climate Change, Energy Waste and Greenhouse    7
3.3 Biological Diversity In Bad Situation    7
3.4 The Destoryed Forestry Area    8
3.5 Resources of the Freshwater In Danger    8
3.6 Chemical Pollution    9
3.7 Overexploitation of Marine    10
3.8 Air Pollution    11
4  Conclusion    14
4.1 Major Findings of the Study    14
4.2 Suggestions for Further Research    15
References    16
