《what would you like》课堂实录[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

主题性概述 一、教学略论 本节课的核心任务是让学生通过学习,英语论文题目,能正确地说出餐具的名称并在生活中帮妈妈做力所能及的家务活。 四年级的孩子虽然已经是中高年级的学生了,但是他们对轻松活跃的英语课堂学习仍然保持着浓厚的兴趣,喜新好奇、善于模仿、喜欢表现自己是这班孩子的特点;经过一年多的英语学习,他们已具备初步的英语听、说、读技能,具有一定的学习措施,形成了良好的学习习惯,他们的英语学习策略多用听、说、唱、演、模仿等。本节课的教学内容是餐具:knife, plate, fork, spoon and chopsticks和句型can i help? yes. pass me the …, please. 这些都与学生的生活息息相关,所以教学设计的主线也就源于生活,与此同时,我们又加入了一些孩子们比较感兴趣的故事因素,因此孩子们学习的兴趣非常高,课堂中的故事学习、故事表演和实战演练非常有效地结合起来,使学生的语言学习与他们的生活实际紧紧地关系在一起,英语论文,很好地培养了学生的语言综合应用能力。 二、教学策略 采用“任务型”的教学措施: 1、故事引入:森林之王tiger饿了,要吃东西了。它的小随从rabbit只好尽心地服侍他,帮他安排食物、递餐具等等,tiger吃完以后还要洗餐具,只是倒霉的rabbit不小心把所有的餐具掉到水里了。 2、设计任务:鼓励孩子们都乐于助人,想办法帮rabbit 把掉到水里的餐具捡起来。 3、游戏贯穿:由于几个餐具的单词发音都比较难把握,所以我设计了形式多样的游戏帮助学生学习。游戏包括:猜拳、夹番茄和扔dice等。 4、实站演习:设计了macdonald 快餐店扮演服务员和顾客的任务,让学生关系以前所学的知识,结合今天的新内容,培养他们的语言综合应用能力。 在教学中,我充分运用多媒体教学设备,制作一个故事导入、游戏巩固、实战演练的多媒体课件,给学生直观的视觉和听觉感受,用以激发学生的学习兴趣,并通过各种任务的设计,培养学生略论问题、解决问题的能力和助人为乐的情操。 课堂实录 在上课之前,老师把课室的一角布置成麦当劳餐厅,为最后的语言交际活动做好充分的准备。 step 1 leading in t: hello, boys and girls. do you like animals? ss: yes. t: what animal do you like? ss give their answers. t: ok! please listen and guess what’s this. (cai)listen to the sound of the tiger. ( the ss give their answers) t: yes, it’s a tiger. look, what’s this? (look at the shadow of a rabbit) ss: it’s a rabbit. t: yes. you’re very excellent. today i will tell you a story about the tiger and the rabbit. 通过老虎的声音和兔子的阴影让学生猜出故事的主角,能非常有效地调动学生的好奇心,他们急切地想知道他们之间究竟发生了什么故事。 step 2 presentation 1. the students watch the cai(多媒体演示动画故事) ( in a forest, there is a tiger and a rabbit) t: i’m hungry. r: tiger, can i help? t: yes, i’d like some food. r: follow me. please. (before a house---enter the house---they see many tableware on the table: fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate)(the tiger follows the rabbit. they come to a house. they see many tableware fork, knife, chopsticks, spoon and plate, but they can not see the food.) t: oh, no food. r: let me go inside. (the rabbit goes into the house, she sees many foods on the table: cake, soup, vegetable, hamburger…) r: wow, so many foods. t: rabbit. can i help? r: yes, pass me a knife, please. t: knife? knife? oh, here you are. knife! ( the rabbit uses the knife to cut the cake) t: rabbit. can i help? r: yes, pass me a plate, please. t: plate? plate? oh, here is a plate. (the rabbit put the cake on the plate) t: rabbit. can i help? r: yes, pass me a fork, please. t: fork, fork, here you are, fork. ( the rabbit uses the fork to eat the cake.) r: tiger. t: can i help? r: yes, pass me the spoon, please. t: spoon, spoon, here is the spoon. ( the rabbit uses the spoon to eat soup) t: hi, rabbit. r: pass me the chopsticks, please. t: chopsticks, chopsticks, here you are. chopsticks. ( the rabbit uses the chopsticks to eat vegetables. the tiger hears the sound and runs into the house. the tiger is very angry. the rabbit is scared.) r: tiger, can i help? t: yes, give me s spoon. r: spoon. t: pass me a fork and a knife. r: a fork and a knife. t: pass me the chopsticks. r: chopsticks. t: wash the plate. r: ok. (the rabbit wants to wash the tableware. but she falls down and all the things are in the pool now. there are five lighting spots in the pool with the letters: k, s, f, p, c.) r: oh, my god. the cai stops. 故事围绕聪明的兔子和凶猛的老虎而展开,一波三折,引人入胜。最重要的是在故事情节的设置中,不断地出现课文的新单词和新句型,先让学生认识单词和句型的音和义(图)。 step 3 drills and words learning 1. learn : knife (1) watch the cai (2) take out
