
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 Background of the research
With the modernization of teaching philosophy, how to make full use of the advancedteaching idea to further deepen teaching reform of the English curriculum in junior school inChina is an inevitable subject which the junior school English teachers are in faced with. Theteaching process is extremely complex not only in imparting knowledge but also in emotionalexchange. Traditional teaching methods only emphasize the cultivation of students' cognitiveability but ignore their emotional needs. While the affective factors play a vital role inmobilizing the enthusiasm of students. The negative factors such as anxiety, fright anddisappointment will hinder the development of students' potential. Now most of the Englishclasses are in a mechanized process. There is almost no emotional exchange between teachersand students. Even though there exists interaction, teachers always use critical and negativelanguage, they do not pay attention to the politeness, equality and rationality of their ownlanguage, so the teaching activities are often difficult to trigger the resonance of the students.Therefore, English teachers should not only master the target language, but also should knowhow to use language to shorten the psychological distance with the students so as to promotestudent's positive emotion in maximum. This requires teachers to understand their truefeelings, and to stimulate their learning motivation. The greater motivation, the higherparticipation of students and the better teaching effect can be achieved.

1.2 Significance of the research
At present the common model of oral English classroom teaching in junior school is:first of all, teachers explain certain communicative function on the basis of a scenario or atopic, then the students practice and discuss, in this process, students mechanically applyprogram and passively accept instructions, so there is no real improvement of oral English. Itis often the case that no matter what kind of efforts the teachers have made, students still donot want to speak. Therefore, how to make the passive students into initiative has been a bigproblem in oral English teaching.Krashen(2017) thinks, only if man had obtained comprehensible input, they could havelearned and mastered language better. But comprehensible language input has to rely onemotional absorption. The learner, only in a certain emotional condition including attitude,and motivation etc., will produce the real acquisition. The main function of language iscommunication and information, and the main function of oral language is to establish andmaintain social relationships among people. Therefore, teachers should make full use of the role of empathy in spoken English teaching, which on one hand can enhance students' interestand motivation in learning and build a harmonious relationship between teachers and studentsso as to enable students to actively participate in the classroom oral practice; on the otherhand, the harmonious relationship between teachers and students can really alleviate thestudents' anxiety , and finally help them to take the the first step of oral English learning--tospeak boldly. In the process of teaching, teachers should constantly use empathy and strive tocreate a good teaching atmosphere to develop students' English learning potentiality , toimprove the oral English communicative com,英语论文英语论文
