
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Communicative Language Teaching has been the focus of English teachers
and linguists for a long time. However, most of them have made researches
on condition that English works as a second language. As is known to all,
English hasn't gained official status in China. On most occasions people
don't use English as the main communication vehicle. English and Chinese
belong to different language families. These two languages both have
strong historic and cultural advantages and both present strong vitality. In
other words, according to the general rule of language evolution, English
can only work as a foreign language or main foreign language, not a
second language. In most parts of China, students lack appropriate
linguistic settings, and so it's impossible for students to acquire English
naturally. From above, we may come to a conclusion that we can't teach
English as a second language.
This thesis makes an effort to incorporate English teaching practice in
middle school with modern Communicative Language Teaching. It also
casts doubt upon some specious concepts and points out that it's not
realistic to overstress communicative competence while underestimating
linguistic competence. In agreement with this, this thesis tries to renovate
the traditional teaching plans. As we adopt a new teaching theory, teaching
plans should not only convey linguistic knowledge, but also be operational
and edify teachers.
This  thesis  aims  at  helping  middle  school  teachers  out  of  some
misunderstanding about Communicative Language Teaching and learning
from others' advantages to offset our own weakness. Try to leave more
room for teachers' individual practice. Teaching should not only convey
knowledge  but also  strengthen  students'  creativity and  imagination.
Students' participation should always be in the first place and teachers
should try to provide more opportunities for students to acquire English in
class. In that sense we can say that communicative teaching theory has
found its place in China.
Keywords: CLT, foreign language, participation, operational
Chapter 1 Literature Review
1 .1.Communicative Language Teaching
  1 .1 .1 CLT Approach---View of Language and Learning
  1.1.2 The CLT View of Language and Learning Seems to Ignore
  1 .1.3 The Feature of Communicative Language Teaching、
1.2. Informal and Formal Approaches to Communicative Language Teaching
1.2.lAcquisition and Learning
1.2.3 Learning
1.2.4Informal and Formal Approaches
