
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1  Research Background 
With  the  improvement  of  China’s  overall  national  strength  and  the  deepening international  communication,  English  language  is  becoming  an  important  instrument  to Chinese people. In medical field, English is completely necessary for medical workers’ daily work and professional development. It has become one of the basic skills to modern medical workers.Unfortunately, the higher vocational education nowadays is not perfect and faces more and more opportunities and challenges. Most students in higher vocational college have a low English level when they enter colleges. Some come from villages and towns where the level of English teaching is low and unsatisfying. These students speak English with a heavy accent and lack of enough English knowledge such as vocabulary, grammar, translation and writing, etc. As a result, they own a strong sense of inferiority and show little interest in class activities. They are even afraid of communicating with teachers owing to no confidence. As for the other students  who  are  from  cities,  they  also  have  some  problems  in  learning  English.  Although most  of  them  have  a  better  English  foundation  than  the  former,  they  are  learning  English passively  and  lack  of  motivation.  Because  of  the  requirement  of  future  career,  they  spend more  time  on  the  specialized  courses  and  look  down  upon  English  learning.  All  these behaviors have a great influence on the English motivation of the learners.Therefore,  many  scholars  manage  to  find  an  effective  and  efficient  approach  to  solve this  problem.  Widdowson  (1978)  proposed  a  new  idea:  Content-based  Instruction  (CBI), which integrates language learning with subject matter. The feature of this approach is used as a medium to learn subject knowledge; that is to say, the students should learn language and subject knowledge at the same time. CBI inspires the learners to study English by means of content and use English to communicate in real life.  

1.2 Research Significance 
At present, one of the hottest global topics in the area of language teaching is foreign language  acquisition,  which  is  to  find  an  effective  or  perfect  method  to  help  the  language learners to gain the target language. The practitioners and researchers face this urgent task and aim  to  solve  it  as  quickly  as  possible.  CBI  provides  sufficient  comprehensible  input  to language  learners  and  enables  them  to  grasp  the  linguistic  knowledge  in  a  context,  which facilitates the process of acquisition of the target language (Krashen, 1982). Nevertheless, in some ESL countries, a few researches or reports of,英语论文题目英语论文
