
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

Chapter One Introduction

1.1 The Significance of the Research
Vocabulary teaching is one of the most important foundations for English teaching. Justas D.A.Wilkins, the famous British linguist, puts it “Without grammar, very little can beconveyed. Without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed (1972)”.[1] But vocabulary teachingdoes not become the focus in field of English teaching until the seventh decade of the lastcentury. There are a plenty of researches and experiments held by a great number of scholarsat home and abroad since then, but the results are not as positive as people expect, especiallyin the country whose foreign language is English. Quite a number of students at home getstuck in the trouble that they cannot remember vocabulary correctly, let alone apply them. Thereason why such a situation happens is that quite a large number of English teachers do notattach enough importance to vocabulary teaching. Most of them teach the main ideas andconcrete contents of passages instead of teaching the vocabulary present in the passage firstlyor they teach vocabulary out of context, which gives rise to the possibility of students lookingdown upon the vocabulary learning or the way to learn it. We cannot deny that this is the mainreason why students cannot learn English vocabulary well. In addition, the test for the usingof vocabulary counts for a small part in all the main examinations, which makes the situationworse. The publishing of the new curriculum reform sets an advanced request to the studentsfor the grasp of vocabulary--National English Curriculum Standards for Common Senior HighSchool gives a definite definition for the specific goal of English vocabulary learning forChinese students in common senior high school. According to the ask of theNational English Curriculum Standards for Common Senior High School, students shouldlearn to use more than 3000 vocabulary and about 500 idiomatic phrases, with which theyshould learn to describe something a little complicated, for example, objects, behaviors andfeatures as well as define concepts, etc. Meanwhile students should master the function of vocabulary in communication, which has a requirement for students to understand and conveyvarious functions, means and attitudes with vocabulary.

1.2 The Purposes of the Research
In the past few years, context theory has caught more attention of linguists. When peoplewant to communicate in language or use language decently, he or she must take context intoconsideration as a main element. People have attached more importance to vocabularyteaching but the result is not as good as they expected. Quite a number of students have theproblem in remembering or using the vocabulary, let alone communicating in foreignlanguage. With the further development of National English Curriculum Standards forCommon Senior High School, people question more about the previous teaching methods ofEnglish vocabulary. As a result, it cannot wait to change the way to present, teach and consolidate vocabulary in context and teach students to acquire vocabulary in context. Thisthesis will discuss the teaching methods, on the basis of context theory, of English vocabularyof senior high school from the aspects of presenting and consolidating vocabulary.During the daily vocabulary teaching, questions come up. How does the teacher conductthe vocabulary teaching in context for real? What is the better w,英语论文英语论文
