
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


  本文包含结论共四章,主要从跨文化角度略论电影片名及其翻译。第一章主要是对跨文化角度下的电影片名及其翻译进行了粗略的介绍。第二章主要是先略论了所谓的跨文化定义,主要包括四个小部分:跨文化交流,跨文化下的语言和文化,中西文化的不同,英语毕业论文,以及在电影片名翻译中的跨文化交流。其中较为详细的略论了中西文化的不同以及造成不同的因素。主要是由人们价值观、道德观以及社会特征的不同导致的。第三章是讲述其翻译的准则和措施, 其准则主要是考虑信息价值,英语论文范文,艺术价值,商业价值,更多的关注这些,这样才会有个良好的翻译片名,吸引观众关注,达到美的享受。还涉及了两大翻译策略,主要是归化和异化,而且进行了详细的解析。最后一遍主要是对整篇文章的总结及其不足之处。



This paper analyzes the film title translation from the cross-cultural perspective, and it mainly discusses the translation should take the culture as the unit of translation, but should not stay in the discourse of previous. Translation is not only a simple decoding process, but more important is a communication behavior. Translation should not be limited to the original text description, but the value of the text in the target language culture, for different historical periods have different principles and rules.
  This paper contains four chapters, and mainly analyzes the translation of film titles from the perspective of cross culture. The first chapter gives a rough introduction in the movie title translation from the perspective of cross culture. The second chapter is the first analysis of the cross-cultural definition, including four parts: cross cultural communication, cross culture, language and culture, cultural differences, and cross-cultural communication in the translation of movie titles. And a more detailed analysis of the differences between the Chinese and Western culture, and caused by different factors. It mainly composed of different people values, moral values and social characteristics. The third chapter is about the principles and methods of translation, the principle contains the information value, artistic value, commercial value, and translators should pay more attention to these, it will be a good translation to attract audience attention, and get the enjoyment. The paper also mentions the two translation strategies: domestication and alienation, and carried on the detailed analysis. The fourth chapter is mainly analyze the introduction and the deficiency of the paper.

Key words: Film title; translation; cross-cultural communication; translation principles; translation strategies
