
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Language is a communication tool. Language communicative activities cannot be separated from the communication environment, which is context. Thus, the context is part of the language; language cannot be separated from the context. Translation is an interpersonal practice and activity in the language communication and the original content and style must be faithfully transferred to the target language. Context is the translation background while translation is a language conversion, so long as there is the language communication, which will form the specific context, language is also affected by the impact of context. Context plays a significant role in translating. Only by taking intra-linguistic context and extra-linguistic context factors into account can translators understand accurately and express properly. Translation is a bilingual event, so accurate and appropriate linguistic expression is the ultimate aim of conversion. As to the target language, the understanding of society, nation and culture can help translators to understand the essence of the original works and show readers the readable form of the understandable language. This paper aims to make a detailed discussion of the importance of context in English translation in order to help translators read the original texts and translate texts as precisely as possible.

Keywords: language; context; translation; influence; importance
摘  要:



1. Introduction
 In linguistics, context is known as a significant concept that plays an important role in the creation and interpretation of utterances. We can see it in the complete course of translation, where both the accurate apprehension of the source text and the precise representation in the target language are closely bound up with each other. Otherwise, misunderstanding and mistranslation may be unavoidable in many cases. Therefore, the great importance of context in the field of translation research has been widely recognized by experts at home and abroad.
