
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

As a clue of China's food culture, Chinese dish names specify the ingredients, manufacturing process, colors, aromas, and flavors, and originators. This paper studies the naming ways of Chinese dishes and analyzes the current problems of dish names translation. In light of Nida’s “functional equivalence", this paper proposes five methods in the translation of Chinese dish names: literal translation, free translation, transliteration, translation with explaining and domestication of Chinese dish names.

Key words: Chinese food, Chinese dish names, translation, the principle of functional equivalence

摘    要



1. Introduction
With the amazing growth of China, it has attracted a great number of foreign tourists, many of whom are interested in Chinese culture, especially Chinese food.
As is known to all, Chinese food culture has a long history of thousands of years. Chinese dishes are famous for their colors, aromas, and flavors. Chinese cooking shows great arbitrariness in selecting materials. Many food materials which are thrown away by Westerners are excellent ingredients in Chinese cuisine; The Chinese cook can make the food delicious while the foreign chefs cannot deal with it.
   Chinese dish names, as a symbol of the Chinese food culture, deliver the information of the food itself and its background.
The translation of the Chinese names into English is necessary and important to Chinese and westerners.
2. Demonstration
2.1General introduction to the naming of Chinese dishes
Chinese dishes are extremely rich, and there is a variety of dish names. The aim of dish names is to tell the customers the basic ingredients, cooking ways and characteristics. Chinese dish names not only reflect the amazing variety of the raw ingredients, seasonings, knife skills, cooking methods, and ways of cutting, but also reveal much tradition and culture of the country. What’s more, Chinese dish names always use four Chinese characters, which read simple and catchy.
