
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

德国功能派翻译理论家于20世纪 70年代提出翻译目的论, 突破了传统翻译理论,为公司简介的翻译探讨提供了新的视角。该理论以目的论(Skopostheorie)为中心, 认为“目的法则”才是所有翻译都要遵循的首要法则, 翻译时需要根据译文的预期目的采取相应的措施策略。目的论中除了目的法则是首要准则,另外还有连贯法则和忠实法则,英语论文范文,而连贯和忠实法则都要服从于目的法则。
国内很多公司简介的译文,因为译者的翻译技巧不够娴熟或语言应用的偏颇, 存在不少错误或值得商榷的地方。它既妨碍读者了解公司,又作用公司在国际社会中的形象。该课题将在功能目的论的指导下,以知名公司简介翻译的问题为例,进行分类略论,建议中国企业简介的英译为了成功实现其与其功能应采取两种可行的翻译措施策略:增益、删译。

The German functionalist school theorists put forward the functional approach which was a great breakthrough compared with the traditional translational theories and provided a new perspective for the study of company profile translation. This functionalist approach is based on the Skopostheorie, believing the Skopos principle is the primary principle to be observed in translation and that relevant approaches and strategies must be taken into account in translational process. There are coherence rule and fidelity rule in Skopostheorie besides Skopos rule. Among the above three rules, the coherence rule and fidelity rule must be subject to the Skopos rule.
     Many Chinese company profiles translation have some mistakes due to the translators’ weak translation ability or the inappropriate choice of words and phrases. These mistakes stand in the readers’ way to understand Chinese companies and damage the corporate images. This thesis will analyze the translational problems of some famous company profiles and put forward some translational strategies e.g. addition and omission strategies under the guidance of Skopos theory.
     This thesis is helpful to promote the relations between company profile translation and the actual situation of the development of Chinese companies and it also caters to the information requirement of foreign receptors.   

Keywords: Skopostheorie; company profile translation; translation problems; translation strategies
