
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


 Globalized economy has been putting forward and speeding the trend of international trade, which requires that more and more domestic companies introduce themselves to people all over the world. The English company profile, as an effective medium, has been widely adopted by many companies. It is of great importance to have a professional English company profile to publicize companies' strengths and scope of business. Based on Peter Newmark's famous theory :"functional equivalence translation theory", this thesis focuses on his communicative translation theory and text typology theory as the theoretical basis.He holds the view that there are two kinds of translation:semantic translation and communicative translation. Communicative translation theory attempts to produce on readers an effect as close as that of readers who read the original text. Then he classified the text into mainly three types based on both semantic translation and communicative translation according to their functions. They are expressive function, informative function, vocative function. This thesis thus emphasizes that the translator should first of all realize that the company profile is both informative and vocative text types. Based on these premises, it goes on with the analysis of the existing problems in Chinese company profiles translation, and tries to come up with some proper measures by using contrastive analysis between the translated English company profiles and the source Chinese company profiles.

KEYWORDS:company profile; communicative translation; informative text; vocative text

摘 要


关键词:企业简介; 交际翻译; 性习型文本; 召唤型文本

In the present time of economic globalization, an increasing number of Chinese companies are having their role on the world stage. In such a situation, the importance of the company's English profile has been greatly recognized. As a medium of information transfered from Chinese corporations to foreign clients, the company profile usually involves the succinct introduction of company background, products, business areas and other information about the company. A good and professional English company profile will surely play a positive role in attracting and exploring potential foreign clients and thus may set up a business relationship in the future. On the contrary, a roughly translated English company profile can often backfire.
