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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

English and Chinese have their own unique address system, which shows two different kinds of cultural identity. Because of different historic traditions, customs and national psychologies of the two cultures, undoubtedly great differences exist between Chinese and English address forms. In A Dream of Red Mansions, a traditional Chinese masterpiece, a variety of characters are created, therefore, many addressing forms, which mostly reflect the use and complexity of the relationship among people in ancient Chinese culture, have laid an obstacle on translating them into English. It is beneficial for intercultural communication to analyze and understand the differences caused by different cultures and seek their effective translation. A large number of Chinese and foreign researchers have already made good studies on this subject. Of address words between Chinese and English, most researchers just scratch the surface. This thesis is intended to study the address expressions in A Dream in Red Mansion based on the version of A Dream of Red Mansion translated by Yang Xianyi. In this thesis, the author analyzes the definition of address forms, a comparison between Chinese and English address forms and the translating methods such as literal translation, specialization and generalization, conversion, amplification and reduction adopted by Yang Xianyi. Address forms are of both theoretical and practical significance. The study of address forms contributes to the deepening of linguistic politeness studies as part of sociolinguistics. In addition, how we use address forms appropriately to maintain and develop sound interpersonal relationship is of great importance for people. Furthermore, address forms vary from culture to culture and from nation to nation, and they carry cultural heritages and national psychologies.

Key words: A Dream of Red Mansions; English address forms; Chinese address forms;   comparison; translation methods

摘  要:
英、汉语言各自独特的称谓体系显示出两种不同的文化特征。由于这两种不同的文化具有不同的历史传统、不同的风俗习惯和不同的民族心理等 ,因而称谓语有着很大的异同。《红楼梦》这部中国古典文学名著中,英语论文范文,人物繁多,英语论文范文,称谓复杂,最能反映出中国传统文化对称谓使用的作用。这一作用也成为翻译过程中的主要障碍。了解这种因英汉文化的不同导致的英汉称谓语的异同 ,且略论其异同并探究有效的翻译措施对跨文化交流大有裨益。中外已有不少学者对这一课题进行探讨。本文试图在陈毅平先生《红楼梦称呼语探讨》的基础上探讨杨宪益翻译版本的《红楼梦》中的称谓语。本文略论了称谓语定义,分类,中英称谓语的比较,以及杨宪益在翻译称谓语过程中使用的翻译措施直译,增译,减译等等。称谓语探讨具有理论与实践意义。称谓语探讨有助于加深社会语言学中的礼貌语言探讨。同时,如何恰当地使用称谓语以维系和发展良好的人际联系,这些都是人们非常关心的问题。而且,称谓语往往因文化、民族而异,不同的文化传统、民族心理会通过称谓语得到体现。

