
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要




In recent years, translating Western literature masterpieces has been so popular in China that there are many Chinese versions of one foreign masterpiece. The author of this thesis takes translations of Earnest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms as the subject, and finds that there are some mistranslations in every version more or less. At the same time, we always find that there is much kind of translations about this work; however, there are many mistranslations. Since we all know that the reasons that cause the mistranslation are variety. This thesis focuses on the study of mistranslations in Lin Yijin’s version. Few of scholars of translation study have concerned themselves with mistranslation in different Chinese versions of a foreign masterpiece under the background of “culture turn”, although this study is a more valuable mistranslation, and gives a new look in mistranslation research., not merely because the study of mistranslation is the work of fault-finding at a linguistic level, and because intention mistranslation is likely to bring about a new interpretation to the original work.
According to the factors that lead to mistranslation, mistranslation falls into two pairs: prospective mistranslation versus unintentional mistranslation, language mistranslation versus culture mistranslation. Language may cause improperly expression of literary forms, misreading and mistranslation in stylistic form. All of intentional mistranslations are cultural mistranslation. Language mistranslation and unintentional mistranslation need to be avoided in the maximum extent, while intentional mistranslation and cultural should be excused and is acceptable. Mistranslation is inevitable and they tend to always accompany translations.

Key words: intentional mistranslation;unintentional mistranslation;A Farewell to Arms;Lin Yijin’s version
