
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘  要



With the development of commodity economy, the advertisement has been permeated in to every aspect of our daily life. The special single and delayed ways of communication make the advertisement present the specific language glamour. The profound language culture drives the consumers’ purchasing power, and meanwhile realize its purpose of language. Advertising activity is not only a kind of activity, but also a kind of culture communication. In the aspect of using advertising words, the translator plays an important role on it. At the same time, they face all kinds of difficulties that are brought by different countries and languages. Therefore, advertising translation has become more and more important in China. According to the characteristics of advertising language, the social culture and some skills of translation need more attention by people. This paper adopts some typical English advertisements in real life and combines with the characteristics of English advertisements to briefly discuss some problems that exist in the Chinese advertisement in English translation. The paper also analyses with practical examples of the Chinese advertisements which use various kinds of translation skills flexibly.

Key words: advertising language;social culture;advertising activity;translation skills

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
With the deepening of the international division and the enhancement of developing and global economic integration trend, more and more international circulation of commodities are growing, every country is promoting the national goods competitively in order to adapt to the world market. An important promoting way among them is to use the advertisement introducing the national products and popularize the reputation of the manufacture to the world. In China, because of the continuous development and improvement of market-oriented economic system, the international advertising institution grows vigorously.
