People of different nations could understand a nation`s abundant culture and history through its allusions. Allusion is a path from which people could reach the core of a culture. In American TV series, allusions are used quite often. People who are not native Americans may find it difficult to understand the plot if they do not know the meaning of allusions. Therefore, it is quite important for translator to translate the script precisely, not only fit the context, but also facilitate the understanding. This essay will study the translation of allusions in TV series from perspective of relevance theory, and analyze the translation strategies in American TV series from three aspects: exploitation of the contextual information shared by both audience and the author, exploitation of the contextual information in target language and exploitation of the translator’s cognitive process. This essay will try to find optimal relevance in different situation. In this way, the target audience will get a better understanding of allusions in American TV series.
Keywords relevance theory allusion translation American TV series
关键词 关联理论 典故翻译 美剧
1. Introduction
1.1 Research Object
This paper aimed at analyzing allusion translation. An allusion is a representation or a reference of a historical event, literary work, myth, work of art, a place, a person, either directly or indirectly, when writing or making a speech. The study of allusion translation in American TV series is to analyze the method and content of translation in the subtitle of American TV series.
The Case TV Series The Big Bang Theory is a recently hot American TV series all over the world. It shows the happy and funny life of four physical geniuses and their neighbor, a beautiful but not so smart girl. The series now have broadcast for four years, and have four seasons. As a modern comedy, lots of things are shown through dialogues between characters. There are a lot of allusions in this TV series. According to my statistics, just from season 1 episode 1 to season 1 episode 10, there are altogether 57 allusions. Since allusions concern some historical, literary or cultural knowledge, it is definitely important to translate such a great number of allusions in TV series.