
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Abstract: with the rapid development of world economy, travel to China is more and more popular for foreign visitors. To the visitors from other culture background, the mystery and colorful Chinese culture is very attractive. So the translation of tourists material is very important, the proper translation of tourism material can both deliver Chinese culture and arouse visitors’ interests. This paper studies the translation of tourists material based on the contextual stratification theory consist of four parts. The first part is the introduction, the second part is the general study of translation of three types of tourist materials. The third part expounds the contextual stratification theory and applies it to the analysis of tourist materials translation with a case study of Nanjing Confucius Temple. The fourth part is the conclusion.
Key Words: translation; tourist material; co-text; context of situation; context of culture

摘  要:随着世界经济的发展,外国人来华旅游活动日益频繁。关于来自不同文化背景的外国人来说,神秘而又多彩的中国文化具有无与伦比的吸引力。因此,关于中国旅游资料的翻译就显得尤为重要,一个好的翻译不仅能正确的宣传和传播中国文化,还能激发游客的兴趣,让外国游客更多的了解中国。本文基于语境层次理论对旅游资料翻译进行探讨,分为四个部分。第一部分是绪论,对旅游资料翻译近况和语境层次理论做了一个大致的介绍,英语论文,第二部分具体略论和探讨了几种常见的旅游资料的翻译措施,英语论文,第三部分具体探讨如何在语境环境下对旅游资料进行翻译,以南京夫子庙景点为具体探讨对象,第四部分是结论。

The tourist material text contains a wide range of materials like the introduction of scenic spots, tourism promotion ads, tourist signage, guide word, etc. The scenic spots general include both natural landscape and cultural landscape, and are associated with some typical history events and folk legends. The tourism promotion ads is a kind of public propaganda way of scenic spots. Tourists signage takes the role of notice tourists the important information and direction in the scenery area. And the guid word is the guid used to detail knowledge and information of the scenic spot. Tourist materials are common and popular text for tourists during the whole tour and the purpose is to make visitors get more useful information about the nature, geography, history, culture and custom of the tourist spot.
