
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


在经济全球化的 21 世纪里,广告宣传的国际化趋势越来越明显。无论是中国公司还是外国公司都在加强身产品和服务的广告以获得竞争优势,因此,英语毕业论文,广告的翻译成为广告国际化中主要问题。本文探讨广告英语翻译策略。广告英语作为一种运用语言,英语毕业论文,已逐渐从普遍英语中独立出来而发展成独具特色的语言。因此,本文将从词汇,句法以及修辞三个方面出发,略论广告英语语言的特点,重点研讨广告英语的翻译策略,这部分将会推荐三种翻译准则和四种翻译技巧。

关键词: 广告语,特征,翻译策略


In the modern 21st century of economic globalization, the trend of internationalization of advertisement promotion has increasingly taken up an indispensable role in the fight in global market. Both Chinese and foreign market has flexed their nerve to better the advertisement of their product and services. There is no denial that advertisement translation is one of the inevitable issues which should be handled in the internationalization of advertisement promotion. And advertising English is an assorted of applied language which is distinct from general English due to its unique function. This paper explores the characteristics of advertising English as well as its translation strategies. The features of advertising English will be discussed from three aspects: the lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspect, and three translation principles alongside four translation techniques will be introduced.

Key words:advertisement, characteristics, translation strategies

1. Introduction of Advertisements
It is universally acknowledged that advertisement has undergone a long history in various forms. In previous centuries in England, for instance, companies would seek to become the purveyor of the king or the queen. In doing so, they could obtain a special mark or seal that gave their product added prestige and visibility. In North America, at the opposite end of the social scale, men would often travel with things to promote various healing substances often just ‘snake oil’ but nevertheless a fortune to those with the gift of promotion. Newspapers in the nineteenth century contained all sorts of ads. In fact, advertising gradually became an important source of income for newspapers. A similar phenomenon happened with radio and then later, with Television. Currently, advertising has been extremely prevailing as the marketing communication tool and now more than ever before it is vital that correct translation should accompany advertisements when they cross cultural and linguistic borders.
