The origin of English loanwords is mainly derived from French, Latin, and Greek, and except these there are many from the other countries’ languages, of course, including Chinese. This paper begins with an analysis of the classification of Chinese loanwords in English, and then explores the appearance of these loanwords, and gives analysis of the features of the existing words based on an investigation of the two editions of Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionaries, that is the fourth edition and the seventh edition separately. Finally, the author gives a prediction that the borrowing of Chinese words will be expedited, and there will be more Pinyin-based Mandarin loanwords, which will represent various semantic fields.
Key words: Chinese loanwords, borrowings, Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionaries
1. Introduction
As someone said, language is rarely self-sufficient, just like the culture. In the course of communicating with other countries, a country absorbs useful language to enrich its own vocabulary constantly, which is defined as a common phenomenon of mutual borrowing between languages. So does it happen between English and Chinese. Just as the English loanwords in Chinese, there exist many Chinese loanwords in English. The origin of English loanwords is mainly derived from French, Latin, and Greek, and except these there are many words from other languages, of course, including Chinese.