
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Language and culture are inseparable. English learners cannot correctly understand and use the language without knowing the language’s cultural background. Culture is an important part in English teaching of higher education. Teachers need to cultivate students’ oral and written communicative skills while students should seek their own English learning methods, in which cultural knowledge constitutes an inseparable part.
This paper starts with an introduction of the definition of culture and language’s definition, and expounds the importance of culture in language teaching and learning by analyzing their relationship and how they affect each other. This paper then analyzes the significance of Anglo-American cultures in English higher education. This paper also puts forward some strategies from both students’ and teachers’ angles in order to achieve the purpose of fully grasping foreign languages and train students to be full competent English language users.

Keywords: Anglo-American cultures; culture input; English teaching and learning; language and culture




1 Introduction
1.1 Research Background
Culture in general including different beliefs, customs, concepts, and social behaviors is permeated into many areas of human society. Language has a dual character: as a means of communication and as a carrier of culture [1]. Language without culture is unimaginable, so is culture without language.
Byram, a famous linguist, indicates that when people learn a new language, they also learn its culture and when they learn to use the language, they are learning to make conversations with other people from a new cultural situation [2]. The knowledge of culture has a great impact on learners’ language use and sometimes directly influences the result of their communication with native speakers.
