从20世纪80年代开始,中国经济取得了巨大的发展,随后进行了大规模的教育改革。根据Martin Trow的理论,当高等教育毛入学率达到15%到50%时,就进入了大众化教育阶段,而当毛入学率低于15%时,就是精英教育阶段。从教育部获悉,截至2017年底,我国高等教育毛入学率达到21%,因此我国高等教育已进入了大众化教育阶段。然而,同国外的大学相比,这个阶段在我们国家似乎来得太早了。剑桥大学曾培养出很多作用人类文化的精英。然而,据英国媒体报道,剑桥大学正在要求各媒体尽量改变对剑桥大学“精英”形象的宣传,现在该校的办学理念正在从精英教育转向全民教育。但是不可否认,这与我国人口基数大的基本国情是密切相关的。当前,英语论文,虽然有不少对于高校改革的探讨,英语论文,但大多数都是对于学校体制结构改造或者教学理念的问题。另外也有对于精英教育的相关探讨。可是在高等教育全民化背景下到底该如何进行精英教育的相关探讨还不是很多。但是,在高等教育中精英教育的好坏对国家的发展会有很大的作用。因此,本论文旨在通过国内外相关探讨,收集和略论教育部提供的相关数据,并基于自己四年来接受的高等教育经验,为全民教育背景下,如何进行精英教育改革提供相关建议。
关键词:高等教育,Martin Trow理论,全民教育,高等教育
Since the late 1980s, tremendous economic development in China has stimulated reforms in higher education that have resulted in remarkable changes. According to Martin Trow’s theory, the gross enrollment rate of 15% to 50% is in the stage of the popularization of higher education, of 15% or less is called elite higher education stage. In 2017, the gross enrollment rate of higher education is 21%. Therefore, higher education in China is in the stage of mass education. So far, studies on the higher education are mainly based on the structure and systems of higher education, which didn’t refer to elite education in higher education of China today. Elite education in higher education has been adopted by many countries. Many elites have been emerged in this educational policy.
India is the most outstanding representative. According the report of British media recently, the University of Cambridge is asking for TV dramas screenwriters’ help in downplaying elite education image. There is no doubt that as one of the best universities in the UK and the world Cambridge has cultivated many influential people in all fields, who contributed a lot to the development of the Human civilization. The University’s ideology has changed from elite education to civil education.
Different educational policies are applied according to different situations. To provide a good education needs a great effort such as good educational system, economic support and many others. The best for others may do not work well for us. The result of this thesis will provide some useful and practical methods in elite education in higher education under the background of mass education in China today.
Key words: higher education, Martin Trow’s theory, mass, elite |