
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


English learning has been very popular in the world, especially in China. However, there are quantities of problems occurring in the process of study, among which the phenomenon of the tongue slips is of the most common one. This paper mainly explores the tongue slips of Chinese non-English majors and gives explanations on the causes of their tongue slips. It also gives suggestions on how to improve the students’ spoken English. In  this paper, the significance and the definition of the tongue slips are introduced as well as the the literature review including both overseas researches and domestic researches.  According to the data collected from the 60 Chinese non-English majors, this paper comes to a conclusion that there are 8 types of tongue slips of Chinese non-English majors. This paper also makes an analysis of the  causes of such tongue slips and gives 3 suggestions on how to overcome such such tongue slips. Last but not the least, this paper restates the significance of this subject and gives encouragement to the non-English majors in China of their learning of English.

KEYWORDS:non-English major; tongue slips; oral English proficiency; data analysis; causes

摘 要



1     Introduction
    This thesis describes and classifies the phenomenon of the tongue slips of Chinese non-English majors, and gives explanations on the causes of their tongue slips.
1.1    Significance of the topic
As English becomes more and more popular in the world, most of Chinese students are learning it at early age. The purpose of learning English is to keep pace with the process of globalization.. However, not many Chinese students can speak English accurately, even when they are at university level. China’s system of education pays too much attention on students' papers and test scores, and attaches little importance to oral English. As a result, many of university students make various kinds of mistakes in their oral English. Therefore, the study of this topic is of great significance, since it explores the causes of tongue slip and gives suggestions on how to improve the students' spoken English.
