
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要




With the influence of financial crisis, employment situation is getting more and more complicated. Many university graduates with excellent academic performance can’t always stand out of the crowd of job applicants. There are many reasons leading to such a dilemma, but job interviews are the most important part of job hunting process, including interview skills, which are, for every job-hunter, of great importance. There have been many scholars have researched this problem for a long time. Interview skills involve many aspects, which are mainly divided into three parts: before the interview, during the interview and after the interview. This essay aims to sum up some achievements from the predecessors, and learn questions of graduates during the interviews by the means of questionnaire. Resume is the key to getting the chance of interviews. At the same time, during the interview, job hunters should pay attention to dressing, etiquette and nonverbal behaviors, which matter an interview.  In this essay, many most common types of interviews will be analyzed and I will exemplify some practical cases, in response to which I will put forward some suggestions. This essay will also classify most popular questions asked by interviewers and some ways to handle them.

Keywords: job hunting; interview skills; types of interview; questions

Chapter 1 Introduction
As China has gradually rejuvenated from its economic recession, many job hunters say that our country’s job market has a sign of improvement compared with the same period of the previous year. In that case, many graduates have begun to seek their first full-time jobs.
With the enrollment expansion of many universities, there are millions of students graduating from colleges and universities each year, leaving the low rate of employment in the job market. But here is the point: if you are excellent enough to be qualified for a job, but you lose it, what is the reason? Because graduating students spend most of their time on campus. They have little knowledge about social experience, ways of getting well along with people and the philosophy of social life. Most importantly, it is the lack of necessary interview skills and strategies that make student interviewees fail to stand out of the crowd of job hunters.
