
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

Language reflects culture and culture is expressed through language. Language is kind of carrier of history, politics, economy, culture and everyday conversation. Language is really closely related to culture. Culture is the foundation of language.  One has to know the culture of language if he or she wants to use the language properly. So culture background knowledge plays an important role in English teaching and learning. But in fact, for we don’t understand the culture backgrounds of language and the differences in culture between Chinese and west, in English communication and learning we misunderstand words and sentences frequently and make many mistakes. In English teaching, the cultivation of students’ English cultural sense and sensitivity becomes a key link that is worth attaching importance to. To achieve this goal ,the English teacher should impart to students the English culture background knowledge and explain to them the differences between China and the west in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, etc, Which is of great significance in the cultivation of students’ competence of English. This paper sets to do some research on theories of culture background knowledge and apply the theories to the English teaching. The paper aims to improve student’s English ability by analyzing the importance of English culture background in listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, etc, and offering some effective teaching methods

Key words: English teaching; culture background knowledge; culture difference



1 Introduction
For quite a long time, the relationship between language and culture background knowledge in English teaching has been overlooked. A thought, as our teaching experience suggests, is prevailing among students: it has been taken for granted that by vast training in reading, listening, speaking, writing and translating, students could reach the high standard required in English learning and communication with their proficiency only in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar.
