
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘 要

随着我国改革开放的逐步深入, 社会关于外语人才的口语交际能力提出了更高的要求。因此,英语论文网站,提高大学生的英语口语水平是非常必要的。于是,任务教学法应运而生了。它是一种以任务为中心,学生通过完成各种任务从而达到锻炼口语的新型教学法。本文主要采用文献法和描述法,研讨任务型教学法大学英语口语教学中的运用过程。本文由五个部分组成。背景信息部分主要阐述了本文的写作目的。接着,作者讨论了任务型教学法的产生以及理论基础。进一步,作者阐述了任务型教学法的实际应用过程。最后,从教师教学的角度提出了许多建议。通过对该教学法运用过程的探讨,英语论文范文,作者得出了以下结论:只有教师合理的应用任务型教学法,才能充分提高学生的口语水平。



With the reform and opening up gradual deepening,as well as foreign exchange in China, it requires any more about the oral communicative ability of foreign talent of the whole society. Therefore, it is very necessary to improve the oral English level of college students at present. Hence, task-based language teaching (TBLT), which is a new and effective teaching approach based on a series of tasks comes into being. Students practice oral English through completing tasks. In order to make people know the application of TBLT well, two ways of researching are used in this paper, including the research of literatures and descriptive. The paper is composed of five parts. The part of background information is about the purpose of this paper. Then writer discusses the origin and theoretical foundation of task-based language teaching. In addition, the writer expounds the practical application of TBLT in oral English teaching. Finally, the writer provides several subjective suggestions for teachers. With the research into the application of TBLT in college oral English teaching, the writer draws the conclusion that only teachers make full use of TBLT in the teaching classes, students can enhance their oral proficient.

Key words: Task-based Language Teaching;college oral English;practical application

1 Introduction
Due to the global economy developing rapidly and our increasingly frequent contact with foreigners, English is needed in many occasions, especially oral English, which is vital in daily communication. The newly revised “College English Curriculum Standards” requests that it is necessary to improved the students' oral English skills and the ability of language application. What’s more, some companies even set oral English as a part of their recruitment requirements. In a word, in such a competitive society, a man who can express his idea clearly and fluently with English, he will gain more opportunities and easy to success.
