
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


在第二语言课堂中, 教学的成功以及学生所获的丰欠在很大程度上都取决于教师课堂提问的水平以及有效性。鉴于课堂提问在课堂教学中有如此重要的地位,本文对中学英语课堂提问的近况进行了问卷调查,英语毕业论文,并对调查进行略论,初步获知中学英语课堂提问中存在的问题。问题主要表现在以下几方面:教师课堂提问内容局限于课文,教师的提问无法满足学生的真正需求,等待时间的不合理以及相当一部分教师对学生提问的不重视等。为了解决这些问题,本探讨人本主义学习理论中的“有意义学习观”和“以学生为中心”的教学观为理论指导,从提问前、提问中、提问后三方面对中学英语课堂提问策略进行了几点探究:提问前,教师的问题设计要考虑到学生真正需求;提问中,教师要给出合理的等待时间并鼓励学生积极思考与提问;提问后,教师应给出恰如其分的反馈。



In EFL classes, both the effect of teaching and students’ performance are dependent on the level and effectiveness of teachers’ questioning in class. Since the classroom questioning plays such a vital role in classroom instruction, this paper begins with a survey on the current situation of questioning in English class. By analyzing the data, we find the problems of questioning are mainly represented in the following aspects:(1) teachers’ questions are text-bound;(2) teachers’ questions are irrelevant to students’ need;(3) the insufficient waiting time;(4) the lower-information-content feedback;(5) teachers’ ignorance of students’ questions in class. Therefore, this paper, based on the “significant learning” concept and “student-centered teaching” concept in humanism learning theory, makes some explorations on three aspects, pre-questioning, while-questioning and post-questioning. Before asking questions, teachers should prepare to raise questions which students really need; while asking questions, teachers should give students reasonable responding time and encourage them to think and ask questions actively; after asking questions, teachers should give students a meaningful feedback.

Key words: the middle school English class, questioning strategies, humanism learning theory, significant learning, student-centered teaching

1 Introduction
Postman (1979:140) once proposed, “All our knowledge results from questions”. At every stage in our education, questioning is the core element around which all communication between teacher and students takes place. Although the modern education technology is growing rapidly, the classroom questioning still serves as an essential tool of teaching and lies at the very heart of developing critical students’ thinking abilities. And in fact, one research has shown that questioning in EFL class has a higher frequency and a larger number of students than other courses (Lou Xiaojie & Mou Jingjiang, 2017). Because of that, new Criteria for English Courses for General Middle School sets high requirements for the classroom questioning. However, at present, educators have an insufficient cognition and researches on the classroom questioning, which cause many urgent problems in using questioning in EFL class.
