Abstract : As China’ s association with the outside world is increaing , young people today are more and more exposed to popular culture which comes f rom the wert , popular culture has become part of their daily lives. In this article , l’ ll look into the elements of poprlar culture and the are of populan culture in English teaching and learning. Ⅰ. Introduction Students are only motivated to learn things that are important and meaningful to them. However , many studentsin China have no interest in learning English. They regard English learning as a burden. Many of the teachers rely onuninteresting textbooks that focus students on grammatical structure , and the classroom activities are generallyteacher-centred and accuracy2 oriented. The textbooks they use are often out of date and some articles in the textbooksare poorly designed and meaningless for the students. What the students have learnt in the classroom does not helpthem to apply in the real2life situations. Since this form of English does not function like a language for meaningfuland purposeful communication , Chinese students see no need and show lit tle interest in learning it .As China’ s association with the outside world is increasing , young people today are more and more exposed topopular culture which comes f rom the west . They appreciate western songs , music and movies , use the Internet , playcomputer games , etc. Popular culture has become part of their daily lives. This suggests that students can learnEnglish through their encounter with popular culture.Since popular culture appeals to students , it can motivate them to become active learners. In this article , I’ lllook into the elements of popular culture and the use of popular culture in English teaching and learning. Ⅱ. Popular culture and culture The word ‘popular’ came f rom the Latin ‘popularis’ , which means ‘belonging to the people’ .‘culture’can bedefined as the deposit of knowledge , customs , beliefs , values , laws , technology , artifacts , art , etc acquired by agroup of people on the course of generations through individual and group striving. There are various forms of popularculture : television , movies , music , magazines , comics , fashion , computer games , and the Internet . Popular culture is part , and the most active part , of culture. In modern societies , people have been profoundlyaffected by popular culture. Magazines and newspapers , radio , television , and cinema , records , tapes and videos :these and other forms of popular culture occupy a central role in our lives. It is easy to see how popular culture affectsand even shape our at titudes and views to the world. Popular culture reflects what society is , who people are , andwhat they like. Popular culture reflects the changing of the world and the changing life style and habits of the people.Learning a foreign language well means not only mastering the pronunciation , grammar , words and idioms butalso the culture which reflects the ideas , customs , and the behavior of the society. Language , as a socialphenomenon , is closely tied up with culture. Language is a part of culture and plays a very important role in it . Onthe other hand , language is influenced and shaped by culture ; it reflects culture. So English learners in China shouldlearn to understand western cultures and increase cross 2cu,英语论文题目,英语论文题目 |