
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20

摘要:隐喻不仅是自然语言中普遍存在的一种现象,而且作用我们的思维方式。隐喻作为认知和语言的纽带,在词汇学习中扮演着不可或缺的角色。从隐喻入手学习词汇符合认知规律,可有效的突破传统词汇学习的瓶颈,从而帮助学生达到真正意义上的概念流利。 Abstract: Metaphor is a ubiquitous phenomenon in the natural language and actually influences our way of thinking. Word learning from metaphor conforms to the law of cognitive science. With the help of metaphor, students can effectively extricate from difficulty in word learning, and achieve a genuine conceptual fluency. I.Preface   From the beginning of last century to now,scholars have done much research on metaphor from different angles such as philosophy, logics, linguistics and so on. They find thatmetaphor exists everywhere in people’s daily life, and so does in almost all human language. In 1980, Lakoff&Johnson’s book Metaphors We Live By was published, from which we know more about the importance and relationship between metaphor and language-studying. In college English vocabulary teaching, teachers will frequently contact with metaphor phenomenon in word learning, grammar and chapters. English vocabulary is abundant, both simple and complicated,英语论文范文, many of which are somewhat romantic and mysterious. If a person wants to use a new language well to express himself and communicate with others, he should acquire plenty of vocabulary. So in this paper, I will probe into the significance of metaphor on the vocabulary teaching in college English.    II.The definition of metaphor and some related research   The word metaphor originated from the word metapherein of Greek, in which meta means over and pherein means to carry, and the whole meaning is to carry over. Early more than two thousand years ago, in ancient Greek, Aristotle defined in his book Poetics that metaphor is to use the name of another matter as that of this one. In later 1980s, American scholar Albert indicated that metaphor is a kind of valuable structure of language.    Lakoff&Johnson use the mapping between source domain and target domain and image schemas to reveal the metaphor phenomenon. Theypointed that our conceptual system is largely metaphorical, and our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature (Lakoff&Johnson, 1980:3).    One of the commonest of all types of semantic change is metaphor: applying a word to something it does not literally denote in order to draw attention to a resemblance. According to the development of metaphor theory, Metaphor includes simile, metonymy, synecdoche, irony, allusion and etc. Metaphor is a kind of art of language that describe some association in the process of cognition, also a psychological phenomenon and a thinking course. On the psychological basis of association, metaphor covers three necessary essences: the tenor, the vehicle and the ground. Simultaneously, metaphor contains three main features: First, it comprises the concept which may be totally different with its literal meaning; second,英语毕业论文, metaphor can endow the abstract notion or implication with concrete image; third, metaphor can make lifeless objects vivid, so as to form certain imagination or express one’s feeling.   III.Metaphor and the Vocabulary Teaching in college English       While entering 21st century, one of the focuses on English-teaching is how to increase the students’ ability of using vocabulary. English teachers are facing the problem of how to help students in-put and out-put word information, how to promote their ability of word cognition. Through the re
