
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20


Symbolism is an important writing technique which is commonly used in literary works to express the inner world of the characters and the theme of the novel. Color words are important and essential symbolic words to express the diverse symbolic meanings in literature.
The Catcher in the Rye is a typical symbolic novel. From the symbolic meaning of colors people can get much information about the characters’ emotions and the writer’s purpose of writing. The paper will analyze the symbolic meanings of colors in the novel on the ground of the basic meanings of colors in the Western culture, such as red, blue, white, black and grey and interpret the functions in shaping the characters.
The paper also analyzes Caulfield’s depression and disgust over the hypocritical adult world, but he had to become a member of it. However, Phoebe and Allie still gave him much warmth and pleasure. And Caulfield still was an innocent child who wanted to seek the pure and happy world.

Keywords: symbolic meanings; color words; The Catcher in the Rye



